Culinary Medicine Online Courses

Professional Course Bundle

Join our disease-based, in-person workshops to enhance your knowledge and skills in approaching chronic conditions such as heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease. Our workshops provide an opportunity for individuals to learn about managing these conditions effectively and making positive lifestyle changes. In addition, we also offer special workshops for food preparation, batch cooking, holiday specials, and more.

These workshops are designed to help you better understand the connection between nutrition and disease management, as well as to provide practical tips for preparing healthy meals. By participating in our workshops, you can gain valuable insights and strategies for improving your overall health and well-being. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your health and make positive changes to your lifestyle. Join us today and start your journey towards better health.

Avail up to 80% Scholarship Grant

Online Course + 4-day In-person Workshops

Basic Course

The basic culinary medicine course is designed for individuals interested in enhancing their understanding of health and refining their cooking abilities to reduce the risk of disease and achieve better health outcomes. This course is accessible to anyone who is motivated to improve their knowledge and skills in the areas of health and nutrition.

Through this course, participants will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare and cook meals that are both delicious and nutritious, ultimately contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cook, this course offers valuable insights and practical skills that can be applied to everyday life.

Avail 50% Scholarship Grant

Professional Course

Culinary Medicine Professional Course is leading to the qualification for:

  • Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist (Physicians)

  • Culinary Medicine Coach (Allied Health Professionals & Health Coaches)

  • Culinary Medicine Chef

The professional course is for physicals, allied professionals, health coaches, and chefs. This advanced course will provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills for those in the health and wellness industry, allowing you to enhance your expertise further and provide valuable guidance to your clients.

Avail 80% Scholarship Grant

Culinary medicine specialist is a designation that identifies clinicians, coaches, chefs, and other practitioners who have comprehensive knowledge of nutrition, culinary coaching, and culinary skills simply blending the art of cooking for health. Culinary medicine is not gourmet cooking. It pairs the art of food preparation with the science of medicine. It is the practice of helping patients use nutrition and good cooking habits to restore and maintain health. It's about teaching the why and the how behind low-cost, convenient, health-promoting, and delicious home-cooked meals and healthy eating patterns.

It is about learning which foods reduce inflammation and promote the lowering of blood cholesterol, as it is about how to properly slice an onion and cook food with rich flavors with enticing plate presentation. More importantly, culinary medicine offers individuals an opportunity to practice culinary skills and taste new recipes alongside health education. All of which are delivered in a way that effectively translates to the home kitchen.

The online component will provide foundational knowledge in culinary skills, behavioral coaching, and clinical nutrition for a specific disease group. The emphasis is on chronic disease prevention and reversal using culinary medicine based on published evidence.​